



Project Name

Design , Development

Designing and Installing CCTV Tower - ORYX PETROLEUM

ORYX PETROLEUM has entrusted Twekl Company with the task of designing, installing, and maintaining CCTV towers at key locations within its operational footprint. These CCTV towers are strategically positioned to provide comprehensive surveillance coverage, enabling real-time monitoring and proactive security management. Equipped with advanced cameras, motion sensors, and analytics capabilities, the CCTV towers act as a deterrent against intrusions, unauthorized access, and security breaches. By investing in cutting-edge security infrastructure, ORYX PETROLEUM demonstrates its commitment to protecting assets, ensuring employee safety, and maintaining operational continuity.

Our Address

Erbil, Italian Village2, No.1016, Kurdistan/Iraq.

Contact Way


Opening Hours

Sat - Thu (8.00am - 6.00pm)

Friday - Closed

Perfect Solution From IT Advisor
